(Downloads also available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Truman_Young/contributions)
The Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE) is the most productive field experiment ever carried out on the continent of Africa.
Below is a list of peer-reviewed and outreach publications, as well as a list of graduate dissertations, from research done at the exclosures or funded by the project.
165. Karugu, J., D. Kimuyu, D. Kenfack and M. Inbar. 2025. Myrmecophytic Acacia drepanolobium extends protection against herbivores to the herbaceous vegetation community growing underneath their canopies. Ecology and Evolution, in press.
165. Wells, H.B.M. D.M. Kimuyu, W.O. Odadi, G.K. Charles, K.E. Veblen, L.M. Porensky, C. Riginos, C.R. Ebel, J. Ekadeli, M. Namoni, J. Ekeno, B. Kimiti, S. Kurukuru, A.A. Hassan, A.A. Wolf, R.M. Pringle, and T.P. Young. 2025. Disentangling disturbances in drylands: Interactions among herbivory, drought, and termite activity in savanna plant communities. Journal of Ecology, in press.
164. Wells, H.B.M., D.N. Kimuyu, K.E. Veblen and T.P. Young. 2025. Megaherbivores suppress precipitation-driven plant irruptions in an African savanna. Ecosphere, in press
163. Knowles, T., N. Stevens, E.E. Amoako, M. Armani, C. Barbosa, C. Beale, W. Bond, E. Chidumayo, C. Courtney-Mustaphi, K. Dintwe, A. Dobson, J. Donaldson, L. Dziba, N. Govender, G. Hempson, G.J. Humphrey, D. Kimuyu, P. Laris, A.B. N’Dri, C.L. Parr, J. Probert, G. Ruecker, I. Smit, T. Strydom, S. Syampungani and S. Archibald. 2025. Using fire management to finance conservation in Africa: viability, impact, and desired outcomes. Nature Sustainability. pdf
162. Forbes, E.S., D. Moore, J.N. Mantas, J. Schimel, T.P. Young & H.S. Young, 2025. Labile soil carbon heterogeneity driven by consumer engineering of aboveground structure in a Kenyan savanna. Ecosystems 28: 10. pdf
161. Riginos, C., D.M. Kimuyu, K.E. Veblen, L.M. Porensky, W.O. Odadi, H.B.M. Wells, R.L. Sensenig and T.P. Young. 2024. Getting better with age: lessons from the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE). Ecology Letters 27: e14466. pdf
160. Masudi, S.P., W.O. Odadi, D.M. Kimuyu, R.L. Sensenig, C.K. Gachuiri, and T.P. Young. 2024. Postfire savanna resilience: wildlife (but not cattle) delay recovery of herbaceous vegetation. Ecological Applications 34: e2975. pdf
159. Karp, A.T., S.I. Koerner, G.P. Hempson, J.O. Abraham, T.M. Anderson, W.J. Bond, D. E. Burkepile, J.R. Goheen, J.A. Guyton, T.R. Kartzinel, D.M. Kimuyu, N. Mohanbabu, T.M. Palmer, L.M. Porensky, R.M. Pringle, M.E. Ritchie, M.D. Smith, D.I. Thompson, T.P. Young, and A.C. Staver. 2024. Grazing herbivores reduce herbaceous biomass and fire activity across broad-scale savanna gradients. Ecology Letters,27:e14450. pdf
158. Pringle, R.M., J.O. Abraham, T.M. Anderson, T.C. Coverdale, A.B. Davies, C.L. Dutton, A. Gaylard, J.R. Goheen, R.M. Holdo, M.C. Hutchinson, D.M. Kimuyu, R.A. Long, A.L. Subalusky, and M.P. Veldhuis. 2023. Impacts of large herbivores on terrestrial ecosystems. Current Biology 33:584-610. pdf
157. Forbes, E.S., V. Benenati, S. Frey, M. Hirsch, G. Koech, G. Lewin, J.N. Mantas, & K. Caylor. 2023. Fluxbots: A method for building, deploying, collecting and analyzing data from a network of inexpensive, autonomous soil carbon flux chambers. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 128: e2023JG007451. pdf
156. Conti, L., E. Valencia, T. Galland, L. Götzenberger, J. Leps, A. Vojtkó, C.P. Carmona, R. van Klink, P.B. Adler, J. Danihelka, J. Dengler, D.J. Eldridge, M. Estiarte, R.García-González, E. Garnier, D. Gómez, S. Harrison, T. Herben, R. Ibáñez, A. Jentsch, N. Juergens, M. Kertész, K. Klumpp, F. Louault, R.H. Marrs, G. Ónodi, R.J. Pakeman, M. Pärte, B. Peco, J. Peñuelas, M. Rueda, W. Schmidt, U. Schmiedel, M. Schuetz, H. Skalova, P. Šmilauer, M. Šmilauerová, C. Smit, M.-H. Song, M. Stock, J.Val, V. Vandvik, K. Wesche, S. Wiser, B. A. Woodcock, T.P. Young, F.-H. Yu, M. Zobel, & F. de Bello. 2023. Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability worldwide. Proceeding of the Royal Society B 290: 20230344. pdf
155. Gadd, M.E. 2012. Barriers, the beef industry and unnatural selection: a review of the impact of veterinary fencing on mammals in Southern Africa. Pp. 153-186 in: Fencing for Conservation (eds. M.J. Somers & M. Hayward), Springer.
154. Bergstrom B.J., S.B. Scruggs and E.M. Vieira. 2023. Tropical savanna small mammals respond to loss of cover following disturbance: A global review of field studies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1017361. pdf
153. Wells, H.B.M, R.D. Crego, J.M. Alston, S.K. Ndung’u, L.M. Khasoha, C.G. Reed, A.A. Hassan, S. Kurukura, J. Ekadeli, M. Namoni, P.S. Stewart, D.M. Kimuyu, A.A. Wolf, T.P. Young, T.R. Kartzinel, T.M. Palmer, J.R. Goheen, R.M. Pringle. 2023. Wild herbivores enhance resistance to invasion by exotic cacti in an African savanna. Journal of Ecology 111: 33-44. pdf [Cover Photo]
152. Ngugi, M.W., D.M. Kimuyu, R.L. Sensenig, W.O. Odadi, S.K. Kiboi, J.K. Omari, and T.P. Young. 2022. Fire and herbivory interactively suppress survival and growth of trees in an African semiarid savanna. Fire 5:169. pdf
151. Ebel, C.R., M.F. Case, C.M. Werner, L.M. Porensky, K.E. Veblen, H.B.M. Wells, D.M. Kimuyu, R.E. Langendorf, T.P. Young, and L.M. Hallett 2022. Top-down control of stability mechanisms by large mammalian herbivores. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:867051. pdf
150. Young, T.P., D. Kimuyu, E. LaMalfa, C. Werner, C. Jones, P. Masudi, R. Ang'ila, and R.L. Sensenig. 2022. The effects of large mammalian herbivory, previous fire, and year of burn on fire behavior in an African savanna. Ecosphere 13: e3980. pdf. [Cover photo]
149. Young, T.P., D.N. Kimuyu, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos, J. Sitters, and W.O. Odadi. 2022. Elephants mitigate the effects of cattle on wildlife and other ecosystem traits: experimental evidence. Proceedings of the 2021 International Rangeland Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, online early. (E106) https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4782&context=igc
148. Wells, H.B.M., R. Crego, J. Ekadeli, M. Namoni, D.M. Kimuyu, W.O. Odadi. L.M. Porensky, A.J. Dougill, L.C. Stringer, and T.P. Young. 2022. Less is more: lowering cattle stocking rates enhances wild herbivore habitat use and cattle foraging efficiency. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 825689. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.825689
147. Sperandii, M.G., F. de Bello, E. Valencia, L. Götzenberger, M. Bazzichetto, T. Galland, A. E-Vojtkó, L. Conti, P.B. Adler, J. Danihelka, J. Dengler, D.J. Eldridge, M. Estiarte, R. García-González, E. Garnier, D. Gómez, S. Harrison, T. Herben, R. Ibáñez, A. Jentsch, Norbert Juergens, M. Kertész, D.M. Kimuyu, K. Klumpp, F. Louault, R.H. Marrs, G. Ónodi, R,J. Pakeman, M. Pärtel, B. Peco, J. Peñuelas, M. Rueda, W. Schmidt, U. Schmiedel, M. Schuetz, H. Skalova, P. Šmilauer, M. Šmilauerová, C. Smit, M.-H. Song, M. Stock, J. Val, V. Vandvik, K. Wesche, S.K. Wiser, B.A. Woodcock, T.P. Young, F.-H. Yu, M. Zobel, and J. Lepš. 2021. LOTVS: a global collection of permanent vegetation plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: e13115. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13115
146. Wells, H.B.M., L.M. Porensky, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos, L.C. Stringer, A.J. Dougill, M. Namoni, J. Ekadeli & T.P. Young. 2022. At high stocking rates, cattle do not functionally replace wild herbivores in shaping understory community composition. Ecological Applications 32: e2520. .https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2520
145. Rabideau-Childers, R., K.I.W. Angier, B.Z.W. Dean, M. Blumstein, W.S. Darling, W. S., Kennedy-Yoon, C.H. Ziemke, C.A. Perez-Martinez, D. Wu, W. Ye, I. Yekwayo, D.M. Kimuyu, D.J. Martins, & N.E. Pierce. 2022. Evidence of nutrient translocation in response to smoke exposure by the East African ant acacia, Vachellia drepanolobium. Journal of Ecology 12: e8244. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8244
xxx. Pervez, S., A. McNally, K. Arsenault, M. Budde and J. Rowland. 2021. Vegetation monitoring optimization with normalized difference vegetation index and evapotranspiration using remote sensing measurements and land surface models over East Africa. Frontiers in Climate. 3:589981. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.589981. Likely derived from: Paper #76 (2013)
144. Govender, N., C. Staver, S. Archibald, C. Wigley-Coetsee, T. Strydom, G. Humphrey and D. Kimuyu. 2022. Lessons from a century of evidence-based fire management in grassy ecosystems, African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 39:1, v-vii, DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2022.2035489 (added in 2024)
143. LaMalfa, E., C. Riginos, & K.E. Veblen. 2021. Browsing wildlife and heavy grazing indirectly facilitate sapling recruitment in an East African savanna. Ecological Applications 31: e02399. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2399
142. Wells, H.B.M., R.D. Crego, Ø.H. Opedal, L.M. Khasoha, J.M. Alston, C.G. Reed, S. Weiner, S. Kurukura, A.A. Hassan, M. Namoni, J. Ekadeli, D.M. Kimuyu, T.P. Young, T.R. Kartzinel, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, J.R. Goheen. 2021. Experimental evidence that effects of megaherbivores on mesoherbivore space use are influenced by species' traits. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2510-2522. (E101) https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13565
141. Charles, G.K., C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, D.K. Kimuyu & T.P. Young. 2021. Termite mound cover and abundance respond to herbivore-mediated biotic changes in an African savanna. Ecology and Evolution 11: 7226-7238. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7445
xxx. Staver, C., J. Abraham, G. Hempson, A. Karp & J. Faith. 2021. The past, present, and future of herbivore impacts on savanna vegetation. Journal of Ecology, online early. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13685
140. Tchouassi, D.P., B. Torto, R. Sang, C. Riginos & V.O. Ezenwa. 2021. Large herbivore loss has complex effects on mosquito ecology and vector‐borne disease risk. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 68: 2503-2513. https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.13918
139. Sitters, J. & H. Olde Venterink. 2021. Herbivore dung stoichiometry drives competition between savanna trees and grasses. Journal of Ecology 109: 2095-2106. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13623
138. Young, T.P., D.M. Kimuyu, W.O. Odadi, H.B.M. Wells & A.A. Wolf. 2021. Naïve plant communities and individuals may initially suffer in the face of reintroduced megafauna: an experimental exploration of rewilding from an African savanna rangeland. PLOS One 16(4):e0248855. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0248855
137. Wells, H.B.M., D. Kimuyu, W.O. Odadi, T.P. Young, A.J. Dougill, and L.C. Stringer. 2021. Cattle and large wild herbivores increase local diversity of smaller vertebrates, but less than additively. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 953-963.
136. Buisson, E., A. Fidelis, G.E. Overbeck, I.B. Schmidt, G. Durigan, T.P. Young, S.T. Alvarado, A.J. Arruda, S. Boisson, W. Bond, A. Coutinho, K. Kirkman, R.S. Oliveira, M.H. Schmitt, F. Siebert, S.J. Siebert, D.I. Thompson, F.A.O. Silveira. 2021. A research agenda for the restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands and savannas. Restoration Ecology, 29(S1): e13292.
135. Werner, C.M 2021. Prescribed fire highlights the effects of zebra, elephants, cattle, and previous burns on savannah heterogeneity. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (photo files) 102(2):e01851.
134. Werner, C.M., E. LaMalfa, R.L. Sensenig, D.M. Kimuyu, and T.P. Young. 2021. Synergistic effects of herbivores and repeat fire on spatial heterogeneity of prescribed burns and their consequences for tree saplings. Ecology 102:e03270.
133. Sitters, J. & H. Olde Venterink. 2021. Body size-fecal nutrient patterns of mammalian herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2020137118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2020137118
132. Valencia. E., F. de Bello, T. Galland, P.B. Adler, J. Lepš, A. E-Vojtkó, R. van Klink, C.P. Carmona, J. Danihelka, J. Dengler, D. Eldridge, M. Estiarte, R. García-González, E. Garnier, D. Gómez, S. Harrison, T. Herben, R. Ibáñez, A. Jentsch, N. Juergens, M. Kertesz, K. Klumpp, F. Louault, R.H. Marrs, R. Ogaya, G. Ónodi, R.J. Pakeman, I. Pardo, M. Partel, B. Peco, J. Peñuelas, M. Rueda, W. Schmidt, U. Schmiedel, M. Schuetz, P. Šmilauer, M. Smilauerova, C. Smit, M.-H. Song, M. Stock, J. Val, V. Vandvik, D.Ward, K. Wesche, S. Wiser, B.A. Woodcock, T.P. Young, F.-H. Yu, M. Zobel, & L. Götzenberger. 2020. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. PNAS 117:24345–24351.
131. Valencia, E., F. de Bello, J. Lepš, T. Galland, A. E-Vojtko, L. Conti, J. Danihelka, J. Dengler, D.J. Eldridge, M. Estiarte, R. García-González, E. Garnier, D. Gómez-Garcia, S. Harrison, T. Herben, R. Ibáñez, A. Jentsch, N. Juergens, M. Kertész, K. Klumpp, F. Louault, R.H. Marrs, G. Ónodi, R.J. Pakeman, M. Pärtel, B. Peco, J. Peñuelas, M. Rueda, W. Schmidt, U. Schmiedel, M. Schuetz, H. Skalova, P. Šmilauer, M. Šmilauerová, C. Smit, M.-H. Song, M. Stock, J. Val, V. Vandvik, K. Wesche, B.A. Woodcock, T.P. Young, F.-H. Yu, M. Zobel, & L.Götzenberger. 2020. Directional trends in species abundance over time can lead to a widespread overestimation of asynchrony. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 792– 802.
130. Silveira, F.A.O, A.J. Arruda, W. Bond, E. Buisson, G. Durigan, A. Fidelis, K. Kirkman, R.S. Oliveira, G. Overbeck, J. Sansevero, F. Siebert, S.J. Siebert, & T.P. Young. 2020. Myth-busting grassy biome restoration. Restoration Ecology 28: 1067-1073. DOI: 10.1111/rec.13202
129. DeCarlo, K.F. & K.K. Caylor. 2020. Effects of crack morphology on soil carbon flux dynamics in a dryland vertisol.Geoderma 375:114478. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114478.
128. Sitters, J., D.M. Kimuyu, T.P. Young, P. Claeys, & H. Olde Venterink. 2020. Megaherbivores reverse negative effects of cattle on soil carbon and nutrient pools. Nature Sustainability 3:360–366. 10.1038/s41893-020-0490-0
127. Veblen, K.E. & L.M. Porensky. 2019. Thresholds are in the eye of the beholder: plants and wildlife respond differently to short‐term cattle corrals. Ecological Applications 29: e01982.
126. LaMalfa, E.M., R.L. Sensenig, D.M. Kimuyu, T.P. Young, C. Riginos, and K.E. Veblen. 2019. Tree resprout dynamics following fire depend on herbivory by wild ungulate herbivores. Journal of Ecology 107: 2493-2502.
125. Graham, S.I., M.F. Kinnaird, T.G. O’Brien, T.-G. Vågen, L.A. Winowiecki, T.P. Young & H.S. Young. 2019. Effects of land-use change on community diversity and composition are highly variable among functional groups. Ecological Applications 29:e01973.
124. Forbes, E.S., J.H. Cushman, D.E. Burkepile, T.P. Young, M. Klope and H.S. Young. 2019. Data from: Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function. Dryad Digital Repository, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.3tf4mt4
123. Forbes, E.S., J.H. Cushman, D.E. Burkepile, T.P. Young, M. Klopea, and H.S. Young. 2019. Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivores on ecosystem function. Functional Ecology 33:1597-1610.
122. Gill, B.A., P.M. Musili, S. Kurukura, A.A. Hassan, J.R. Goheen, W.J. Kress, M.Kuzmina, R. M. Pringle and T.R. Kartzinel. 2019. Plant DNA‐barcode library and community phylogeny for a semi‐arid East African savanna. Molecular Ecology Resources 19: 838-846.
121. DeCarlo, K.F. & K.K. Caylor. 2019. Biophysical effects on soil crack morphology in a faunally active dryland vertisol. Geoderma 334:134-145.
120. Ostfeld, J.K. & F. Keesing. 2018. Impacts of large mammals on movements of the pouched mouse (Saccostomus mearnsi) in central Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 57:2-9.
119. Bergstrom, B.J., R.L. Sensenig, D.J. Augustine and T.P. Young. 2018. Searching for cover: soil enrichment and herbivore exclusion, not fire, enhance African savanna small-mammal abundance. Ecosphere 9:e02519.
118. Koerner, S.E., M.D. Smith, D.E. Burkepile, N. Hanan, M.L. Avolio, S.L. Collings, A.K. Knapp, N.P. Lemoine, E.J. Forrestel, S. Eby, Dave I. Thompson, G. Aguado-Santacruz, J.P. Anderson, M. Anderson, A. Angassa, S. Bagchi, E.S. Bakker, G. Bastin, L.E. Baur, K.H. Beard, E.A. Beever, P.J. Bohlen, E.H. Boughton, D. Canestro, A. Cesa, E. Chaneton, J. Cheng, C.M. D'Antonio, C. Deleglise, F. Dembélé, J. Dorrough, D. Eldridge, B. Fernandez-Going, S. Fernández-Lugo, L.H. Fraser, B. Freedman, G. Garcia-Salgado, J.R. Goheen, L. Guo, S. Husheer, M. Karembé, J.M.H. Knops, T. Kraaij, A. Kulmatiski, M. Kytöviita, F. Lezama, G. Loucougaray, A. Loydi, D.G. Milchunas, S. Milton, J.W. Morgan, C. Moxham, K.C. Nehring, H.Olff, T. M. Palmer, S. Rebollo, C. Riginos, A.C. Risch, M. Rueda, M. Sankaran,, T. Sasaki, K. Schoenecker, N.L. Schultz, M. Schütz, A. Schwabe, F. Siebert, C. Smit, K.A. Stahlheber, C. Storm, D.J. Strong, J. Su, Y.V. Tiruvaimozhi, C. Tyler, J. Val, M.L. Vandegehuchte,, K.E. Veblen, L.T. Vermeire, D. Ward, J. Wu, T.P. Young,, Q. Yu, and T.J. Zelikova. 2018. Resolving variation in herbivore effects on plant biodiversity – change in dominance as a global mechanism. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:1925-1932.
117. Goheen, J.R. 2018. A win–win for wildlife and ranching. Nature Sustainability 1:535–536.
116. Odadi, W.O., G.K. Charles & T.P. Young. 2018. Cattle preferentially forage on African savanna termite mounds, but not when they share habitat with wild ungulates. Ecology & Evolution 8:9074-9085.
115. Jia, S., X. Wang, Z. Yuan, and M.S. Luskin. 2018. Global signal of top-down control of terrestrial plant communities by herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(24):201707984.
114. Goheen, J.R., D.J. Augustine, K.E. Veblen, D.M. Kimuyu, T.M. Palmer, L.M. Porensky, R.M. Pringle, J. Ratnam, C. Riginos, M. Sankaran, A.T. Ford, A.A. Hassan, R. Jakopak, T.R. Kartzinel, S. Kurukura, A.M. Louthan, W.O. Odadi, T.O. Otieno, A.M. Wambua, H.S. Young & T.P. Young. 2018. Conservation and management lessons from large-mammal manipulations in East Africa – KLEE, UHURU, and GLADE. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (The Year in Conservation and Ecology) 1429:31–49.
113. González, J.B. R.H. Petipas, O. Franken, E.T. Kiers, K.E. Veblen & A.K. Brody. 2018. Herbivore removal reduces influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and tolerance in an East African savanna. Oecologia, 187:123-133.
112. Young, T.P., C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, W.O. Odadi, D. Kimuyu, L.M. Porensky, H. Young & G.K. Charles. 2018. Relationships between cattle and biodiversity in a multi-use landscape revealed by the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE). Rangeland Ecology and Management 71:281-291. [Editor’s Choice]
111. Sitters, J. & H.O. Venterink. 2018. A stoichiometric perspective of the effect of herbivore dung on ecosystem functioning. Ecology and Evolution 8:1043-1046.
110. Riginos, C., L.M. Porensky, K.E. Veblen & T.P. Young. 2018. Herbivory and drought generate short-term stochasticity and long-term stability in a savanna understory community. Ecological Applications 28:323–335.
109. Keesing, F., R.S. R. S. Ostfeld, T.P. Young & B.F. Allan. 2018. Cattle and rainfall affect tick abundance in central Kenya. Parasitology 45:345-354.
108. Montzka, C., H.R. Bogena, M. Zreda, A. Monerris & H. Vereecken. 2017. Validation of spaceborne and modelled surface soil moisture products with cosmic-ray neutron probes. Remote Sensing 9:103.
107. Allan, B.F., H. Tallis, R. Chaplin-Kramer, S. Huckett, V.A. Kowal, J. Musengezi, S. Okanga, R.S. Ostfeld, J. Schieltz, C.M. Warui, S.A. Wood & F. Keesing. 2017. Can integrating wildlife and livestock enhance ecosystem services in central Kenya? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15:328–335.
106. Charles, G., L.M. Porensky, C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen & T.P. Young. 2017. Herbivore effects on productivity vary by guild: cattle increase mean productivity while wildlife reduce variability. Ecological Applications 27:143-155.
105. Weinstein, S., G. Titcomb, B. Agwanda, C. Riginos & H. Young. 2017. Parasite responses to large mammal loss in an African savanna. Ecology 98:1839-1848.
104. Li, S., N.E. Levina, K. Soderberg, K.J. Dennis, & K.K. Caylor. 2017. Triple oxygen isotope composition of leaf waters in Mpala, central Kenya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 468:38–50.
103. Kimuyu, D.M., R.L. Sensenig, R.M. Chira, J.M. Githaiga & T.P. Young. 2017. Spatial scales influence long-term response of herbivores to prescribed burning in a savanna ecosystem. International Journal of Wildland Fire 26:287-295.
102. Kimuyu, D.M., K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos & T.P. Young. 2017. Influence of cattle on grazing and browsing wildlife varies with season and presence of megaherbivores. Ecological Applications 27:786–798.
101. Petipas, R.H., J.B. González, T.M. Palmer & A.K. Brody. 2017. Habitat-specific AMF symbioses enhance drought tolerance of a native Kenyan grass. Acta Oecologica 78:71-78.
100. Young, H.S., D.J. McCauley, R. Dirzo, C.L. Nunn, M.G. Campana, B. Agwanda, E.R. Otarola-Castillo, E.R. Castillo, R.M. Pringle, K.E. Veblen, D.J. Salkeld, K. Stewardson, R. Fleischer, E. Lambin, T.M. Palmer & K.M. Helgen. 2017. Interacting effects of land use and climate on rodent-borne pathogens in central Kenya. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372:20160116.
99. Sensenig, R.L., D.K. Kimuyu, J.C. Ruiz Guajardo, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos & T.P. Young. 2017. Fire disturbance disrupts an acacia ant-plant mutualism in favor of a subordinate ant species. Ecology 98:1455-1464.
98. Palmer, T.M. & T.P. Young. 2017. Integrating ecological complexity into our understanding of ant-plant mutualism: ant-acacia interactions in African savannas. Pp. 200-222 in: Oliveira, P.S. and Koptur, S., eds. Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
97. Odadi, W.O., D.M. Kimuyu, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos & T.P. Young. 2017. Fire-induced negative responses of cattle to shared foraging with native ungulates in an African savanna. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:935–944. [Editor’s Choice]
96. Young, H.S., R. Dirzo, K.M. Helgen, D.J. McCauley, C. Nunn, P. Snyder, K.E. Veblen, S, Zhao, & V.O. Ezenwa. 2016. Large wildlife removal drives redistribution of immune defenses in rodents. Functional Ecology 30:799-807.
95. Pringle, R.M., K.M. Prior, T.M. Palmer, T.P. Young & J.R. Goheen. 2016. Large herbivores promote habitat specialization and beta diversity of African savanna trees. Ecology 97:2640-2657.
94. Veblen, K.E., L.M. Porensky, C. Riginos & T. P. Young. 2016. Are cattle surrogate wildlife? Savanna plant community composition explained by total herbivory, not herbivore identity. Ecological Applications 26:1610-1623.
93. Porensky, L.M. & T.P. Young. 2016. Development of edge effects around experimental ecosystem hotspots is affected by edge density and matrix type. Landscape Ecology 31:1663–1680.
92. Young, H.S., D.J. McCauley, R. Dirzo, J.R. Goheen, B. Agwanda, E.O. Castillo, A. Ferguson, S.N. Kinyua, M. McDonough, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, T.P. Young & K.M. Helgen. 2015. Context-dependent effects of large mammals declines on small mammal communities in central Kenya. Ecological Applications 25:348-360.
91. Pringle, R.M., D. Kimuyu, R.L. Sensenig, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos, T.M. Palmer & T.P. Young. 2015. Synergistic indirect effects of elephants and fire in an African savanna. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:1637–1645.
90. Palmer, T.M., E.G. Pringle, A. Stier & R.D. Holt. 2015. Mutualism in a community context. Pp. 159-180 in: Mutualism. J.L. Bronstein (ed). Oxford University Press.
89. Young, H.S., R. Dirzo, D.J. McCauley, B. Agwanda, L. Cattaneo, K. Dittmarjj, R.P. Eckerlin, R.C. Fleischer, L.E. Helgen, A. Hintz, J. Montinieri, S. Zhao, & K.M. Helgen. 2015. Drivers of intensity and prevalence of flea parasitism on small mammals in East African savanna ecosystems. Journal of Parasitology 101:327-335.
88. Ngatia, L.W., B.L. Turner, J.T. Njoka, T.P. Young & K.R. Reddy. 2015. The effects of herbivory and nutrients on plant biomass and carbon storage in vertisols of an East African savanna. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 208:55–63.
87. Porensky, L.M. & K.E. Veblen. 2015. Generation of ecosystem hotspots using short-term cattle corrals in an African savanna. Rangeland Ecology & Management 68:131-141.
86. Riginos, C. 2015. Climate alters the landscape of fear in an African savanna. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:124-133.
85. Bonachela, R.M. Pringle, E. Sheffer, T.C. Coverdale, J.A. Guyton, K.K. Caylor, S.A. Levin, & C.E. Tarnita. 2015. Termite mounds can increase the robustness of dryland ecosystems to climatic change. Science 347:651-655.
84. Foster, C.N., P.S. Barton, D.B. Lindenmayer. 2014. Effects of large native herbivores on other animals. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 929–938.
83. Petipas, R.H. & A.K. Brody. 2014. Termites and ungulates affect arbuscular mycorrhizal richness and infectivity in a semi-arid savanna. Botany 92:233-240.
82. Ford, A.T., J.R. Goheen, T.O. Otieno, L. Bidner, L.A. Isbell, T.M. Palmer, D. Ward, R. Woodroffe & R.M. Pringle. 2014. Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny. Science 246:346-349.
81. Dirzo, R., H.S. Young, M. Galetti, G. Ceballos, N.J.B. Isaac & B. Collen. 2014. Defaunation in the Anthropocene. Science 345:401-406.
80. Keesing, F. & T.P. Young. 2014. Cascading consequences of the loss of large mammals in an African savanna. Bioscience 64:487-405.
79. Kimuyu, D.K., R.L. Sensenig, C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen & T.P. Young. 2014. Wild and domestic browsers and grazers reduce fuels, fire temperatures, and acacia ant mortality in an African savanna. Ecological Applications 24:741-749.
78. Young, H. S., R. Dirzo, K. M. Helgen, D. J. McCauley, S. Billeter, M. Kosoy, L. Osikowicz, T. P. Young & K. Dittmar. 2014. Declines in large wildlife increase landscape-level prevalence of rodent-borne disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:7036-7041.
77. Odadi, W.O., S.A. Abdulrazak, M.M. Karachi & T.P. Young. 2013. Protein supplementation-driven shifts in forage selection by cattle: implications for cattle wildlife coexistence. Ecological Applications 23:455-463.
76. McNally, A., C. Funk, G. Husak, J. Michaelsen, B. Cappelaere, J. Demarty, T. Pellarin, T.P. Young, K.K. Caylor, C. Riginos & K.E. Veblen. 2013. "Estimating Sahelian and East African soil moisture using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index". Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10, 7963-7997. ("Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.")
75. Donihue, C.M., L.M. Porensky, J. Foufopoulus, C. Riginos & R.M. Pringle. 2013. Glade cascades: indirect legacy effects of pastoralism enhance the abundance and spatial structuring of arboreal fauna. Ecology 94:827-837.
74. Kirigia, A., J.T. Njoka, P.D Kinyua & T.P. Young. 2013. Characterizations of livestock manure marketing chain and the annual income contribution of manure trade in Mukogodo, Laikipia, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research 8:5864-5871.
73. Wilkerson, M.L., L.M. Roche & T.P. Young. 2013. Indirect effects of domestic and wild herbivores on butterflies in an African savanna. Ecology and Evolution 3:3672-3682.
72. Keesing, F., B.F. Allan, T.P. Young & R.S. Ostfeld. 2013. Effects of wildlife and cattle on tick abundance in central Kenya. Ecological Applications 23:1410–1418.
71. Porensky, L.M., S.E. Wittman, C. Riginos & T.P. Young. 2013. Herbivory and drought interact to enhance diversity and spatial patterning in a savanna understory. Oecologia 173:591-602.
70. Veblen, K.E. 2013. Impacts of traditional livestock corrals on woody plant communities in an East African savanna. The Rangeland Journal 35:349–353.
69. Young, H.S., DJ. McCauley, E. Castillo, J.R. Goheen, K.M. Helgen, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, T.P. Young & R. Dirzo. 2013. Plant community response to changes in herbivore abundance and identity across abiotic gradients and experimental contexts. Journal of Ecology 101:1031-1041.
68. Bergstrom, B.J. 2013. Would East African savanna rodents inhibit woody encroachment? Evidence from stable isotopes and microhistological analysis of feces. Journal of Mammalogy 94:436-447.
67. Porensky, L.M. & T.P. Young. 2013. Edge interactions in fragmented and patchy landscapes. Conservation Biology 27:509-519.
66. Porensky, L.M., S.F. Bucher, K.E. Veblen, A.C. Treydte,& T.P. Young. 2013. Megaherbivores and cattle alter edge effects around ecosystem hotspots in an African savanna. Journal of Arid Environments 96:55-63.
65. Zreda, M., W.J. Shuttleworth, X. Zeng, C. Zweck, D. Desilets, T.E. Franz, and R. Rosolem. 2012. COSMOS: The cosmic-ray soil moisture observing system. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 16:4079–4099.
64. Riginos, R., L.M. Porensky, K.E. Veblen, W.O. Odadi, R.L. Sensenig, F. Keesing, D. Kimuyu, M.L. Wilkerson, and T.P. Young. 2012. Lessons on the relationship between pastoralism and biodiversity from the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE). Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2012 3:1.
63. Kuria, S.K. & M.H. Villet. 2012. The role of ants and mammalian herbivores on the structure and composition of insect communities found on canopies of Acacia drepanolobium. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7:5317-5331.
62. Veblen, K.E. 2012. Savanna glade hotspots: plant community development and synergy with large herbivores. Journal of Arid Environments 78:119-127.
61. Porensky, L.M. and K.E. Veblen. 2012. Grasses and large herbivores reinforce landscape heterogeneity by excluding trees from ecosystem hotspots. Oecologia 168:749-759.
60. Odadi, W.O., M. Jain, S.E. Van Wieren, H.H.T. Prins and D.I. Rubenstein. 2011. Facilitation between bovids and equids in an African savanna. Evolutionary Ecology Research 13:237-252.
59. Maclean, J.E., J.R. Goheen, T.M. Palmer & T.P. Young. 2011. Small mammals limit tree population growth in an African savanna. Ecology 92:1626–1636.
58. Pringle, R.M., T.M. Palmer, J.R. Goheen, D.J. McCauley & F. Keesing. 2011. Ecological importance of large herbivores in the Ewaso ecosystem. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 632:43-53.
57. Augustine, D.J., T.P. Young, K.E. Veblen, C. Riginos & J.R. Goheen. 2011. Pathways for positive cattle-wildlife interactions in semi-arid rangelands. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 632:55-71.
56. Porensky, L.M. 2011. When edges meet: interacting edge effects in an African savanna. Journal of Ecology 99:923-934.
55. Odadi, W.O., A.S. Abdulrazak, M.M. Karachi & T.P. Young. 2011. African wild ungulates compete with or facilitate cattle depending on season. Science 333:1753-1755.
54. Sundaresan, S.R. and C. Riginos. 2010. Lessons learned from biodiversity conservation in the private lands of Laikipia, Kenya. Great Plains Research: A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 20:17-27.
53. Fox-Dobbs, K., D. F. Doak, A. K. Brody & T. M. Palmer. 2010. Termites create spatial structure and govern ecosystem function by affecting N2 fixation in an East African savanna. Ecology 91:1296–1307.
52. Kuria, S.K., M.H. Villet, T.M. Palmer, & M.L. Stanton. 2010. A comparison of two sampling methods for surveying mammalian herbivore impacts on beetle communities in the canopy of Acacia drepanolobium in Kenya. African Entomology 18:87-98.
51. Sensenig, R.L., M. Demment, & E.A. Laca. 2010. Allometric scaling predicts preferences for burned patches in a guild of East African grazers. Ecology 91:2898-2907.
50. Gregory, N.C., R.L. Sensenig, & D.S. Wilcove. 2010. Effects of controlled fire and livestock grazing on bird communities in East African savannas. Conservation Biology 24: 1606-1616.
49. Treydte, A.C., C. Riginos & F. Jeltsch. 2010. Enhanced use of beneath-canopy vegetation by grazing ungulates in African savannahs. Journal of Arid Environments 74:1597-1603.
48. Pringle, R.M., D.F. Doak, A.K. Brody, R. Jocque´ & T.M. Palmer. 2010. Spatial pattern enhances ecosystem functioning in an African savanna. PLoS Biology 8(5):e1000377.
47. Ogada, D.M. & F. Keesing. 2010. Decline of vultures over a three-year period in Laikipia, Central Kenya. Journal of Raptor Research 44:129-135.
46. King, E.G. & K.K. Caylor. 2010. Herbivores and mutualistic ants interact to modify tree photosynthesis. New Phytologist 187:18-22.
45. Veblen, K.E. & T.P. Young. 2010. Contrasting effects of cattle and wildlife on the vegetation development of a savanna landscape mosaic. Journal of Ecology 98:993-1001.
44. Kinyua, D.M., L.E. McGeoch, N. Georgiadis, & T.P. Young. 2010. Short-term and long-term effects of tilling, fertilization, and seeding on the restoration of degraded rangeland in Laikipia, Kenya. Restoration Ecology 18S1:226-233.
43. Goheen, J.R. & T.M. Palmer. 2010. Defensive plant-ants stabilize megaherbivore-driven landscape change in an African savanna. Current Biology 20:1768-1772.
42. Brody, A.K. T. M. Palmer, K. Fox-Dobbs, & D.F. Doak. 2010. Termites, vertebrate herbivores, and the fruiting success of Acacia drepanolobium. Ecology 91:399-407.
41. Goheen, J.R., T.M. Palmer, F. Keesing, C. Riginos, and T.P. Young. 2010. Large herbivores facilitate savanna tree establishment via diverse and indirect pathways. Journal of Animal Ecology 79:372-382.
40. Riginos, C., J.B. Grace, D.J. Augustine, & T.P. Young. 2009. Local versus landscape-scale effects of savanna trees on grasses. Journal of Ecology 97:1337-1345.
39. Odadi, W.O., T.P. Young & J.B. Okeyo-Owuor. 2009. Behavioural responses of cattle to shared foraging with wild herbivores in an East African rangeland Applied Animal Behavior Science 116:120-125.
38. Riginos, C. 2009. Grass competition suppresses acacia growth across multiple demographic stages. Ecology 90:335-340.
37. Okello, B.D., T.P. Young, C. Riginos, D. Kelly & T. O'Connor. 2008. Short-term survival and long-term mortality of Acacia drepanolobium after a controlled burn in Laikipia, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 46:395-401.
36. Sensenig, R.L. 2008. Fire Ecology in Laikipia, Kenya. Booklet distributed to Laikipia landowners, managers, and stakeholders. 79pp
35. McCauley, D.J., F. Keesing, T.P. Young & K. Dittmar. 2008. Effects of the removal of large herbivores on fleas of small mammals. Journal of Vector Ecology 33:263-268.
34. Palmer, T.M., M.L. Stanton, T.P. Young, J.R. Goheen, R.M Pringle & R. Karban. 2008. Breakdown of an ant-plant mutualism following the loss of large herbivores from an African savanna. Science 319:192-195. [See also Science 319:1760-61.]
33. Ogada, D., M.E. Gadd, R.S. Ostfeld, T.P. Young & F. Keesing. 2008. Impacts of large herbivores on bird diversity and abundance in an African savanna. Oecologia 156:387-397.
32. Veblen, K.E. 2008. Season- and herbivore-dependent competition and facilitation in a semi-arid savanna. Ecology 89:1532-1540.
31. Riginos, C. & J.B. Grace. 2008. Savanna tree density, herbivores, and the herbaceous community: bottom-up vs. top-down effects. Ecology 89:2228-2238.
30. Riginos, C. & T.P. Young. 2007. Positive and negative effects of grasses and wild and domestic herbivores on Acacia saplings. Oecologia 153:985-995.
29. Odadi, W., T.P. Young & J. Okeyo-Owuor. 2007. The effects of wild herbivores on cattle diet in Laikipia rangeland, Kenya. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:179-185.
28. Pringle, R.M., T.P. Young & D.I. Rubenstein. 2007. Primary productivity and the strength of herbivore-initiated interaction cascades. PNAS 104:193-197.
27. Young, T.P. & D.J. Augustine. 2007. Intraspecific variation in the effects of large mammalian herbivores on reproduction in Acacia species in Laikipia, Kenya. Biotropica 39:559-561.
26. Goheen, J.R., T.P. Young, F. Keesing & T.M. Palmer. 2007. Consequences of herbivory by native ungulates for reproduction of a savanna tree. Journal of Ecology 95:129-138.
25. Isbell, L.A. & T. P. Young. 2007. Interspecific and temporal variation in domatia contents of the ant-plant Acacia drepanolobium, a staple food for patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) in Laikipia, Kenya. American Journal of Primatology 69:1387-1398.
24. McCauley, D.J., F. Keesing, T.P. Young, J. Peters & B.F. Allan. 2006. Indirect effects of large herbivorous mammals on snakes in an African savanna. Ecology 87:2657-2663.
23. Young, T.P. 2006. Declining rural economies and the future of biodiversity: missing the forest for the trees? Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy 9:319-334.
22. Young, T.P., T.M Palmer & M.E. Gadd. 2005. Competition and compensation among cattle, zebras, and elephants in a semi-arid savanna in Laikipia, Kenya. Biological Conservation 122:351-359.
21. Gadd, M.E. 2005. Conservation outside of parks: attitudes of local people in Laikipia, Kenya. Environmental Conservation 32:1-14.
20. Warui, C.M., M.H. Villet, T.P. Young & R. Jocqué. 2005. Influence of grazing by large mammals on the spider community of a Kenyan savanna biome. Journal of Arachnology 33:269-279.
19. Huntzinger, P.M., R. Karban, T.P. Young & T.M. Palmer. 2004. Relaxation of induced indirect defenses of acacias following removal of mammalian herbivores. Ecology 85:609-614.
18. Goheen J.R., F. Keesing, B.F. Allan, D. Ogada, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2004. Net effects of large mammals on Acacia seedling survival in an African savanna. Ecology 85:1555-1561.
17. Warui, C. M., M.H. Villet, & T.P. Young. 2004. Spiders (Araneae) from black cotton soils of a highland savanna in Laikipia, central Kenya. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology 1:13-24.
16. Young, T.P., M.L. Stanton & C. Christian. 2003. Effects of natural and simulated herbivory on spine lengths of Acacia drepanolobium in Kenya. Oikos 101:171-179.
15. Ward, D. & T.P. Young. 2002. Effects of large mammalian herbivores and ant symbionts on condensed tannins of Acacia drepanolobium in Kenya. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28:913-529.
14. Shaw, M.T., F. Keesing, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2002. Herbivory on acacia seedlings in an East African savanna. Oikos 98:385-392.
13. Okello, B.D., T.G. O’Connor, & T.P. Young. 2001. Growth, biomass estimates, and charcoal production of Acacia drepanolobium in Laikipia, Kenya. Forest Ecology & Management 142:143-153.
12. Gadd, M.E., T.P. Young & T.M. Palmer. 2001. Effects of simulated shoot and leaf herbivory in Acacia drepanolobium. Oikos 92:515-520.
11. Keesing, F., and T. Crawford. 2001. Impacts of density and large mammals on space use by the pouched mouse (Saccostomus mearnsi) in central Kenya Journal of Tropical Ecology 17:465-472.
10. Metz M.R. & F. Keesing. 2001. Dietary choices of the pouched mouse (Saccostomus mearnsi) in central Kenya. Biotropica 33: 182-187.
9. Keesing, F. 2000. Cryptic consumers and the ecology of an African savanna. Bioscience 50:205-216.
8. Okello, D.N. & T.P. Young. 2000. Effects of fire, bruchid beetles and soil type on the germination and seedling establishment of Acacia drepanolobium. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 17:46-51.
7. Keesing, F.L. 1998. Impacts of ungulates on the demography and diversity of small mammals in central Kenya. Oecologia 116:381-389.
6. Keesing, F. 1998. Ecology and behaviour of the pouched mouse, Saccostomus mearnsi, in central Kenya. Journal of Mammalogy 73:919-931.
5. Young, T.P. and B.D. Okello. 1998. Relaxation of an induced defense after exclusion of herbivores: spines on Acacia drepanolobium. Oecologia 115:508-513.
4. Young, T.P., B. Okello, D. Kinyua, & T.M. Palmer. 1998. KLEE: the Kenya long-term exclosure experiment. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 14:94-102.
3. Young, T.P., C.H. Stubblefield & L.A. Isbell. 1997. Ants on swollen-thorn acacias: species coexistence in a simple system. Oecologia 109:98-107.
2. Young, T.P. 1995. Landscape mosaics created by canopy gaps, forest edges and bushland glades. Selbyana 16:127-134.
1. Young, T.P., N. Patridge & A. Macrae. 1995. Long-term glades in acacia bushland and their edge effects in Laikipia, Kenya. Ecological Applications 5:97-108.
1. Keesing, Felicia. 1997. Ecological interactions between small mammals, large mammals, and vegetation in a tropical savanna of central Kenya. Ph.D. Diss., University of California at Berkeley.
2. John Mugo Kagori. 1999. Biological nitrogen fixation of Acacia drepanolobium. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
3. Masarelli, Darcy 2001. Effects of large mammal herbivores on the bird community of an East African savanna. M.Sc. Dissertation, SUNY Albany.
4. Odadi, Wilfred O. 2003. Cattle foraging behaviour: the influence of large mammalian herbivory in an Acacia savanna, Laikipia, Kenya. M.Sc. Dissertation, Moi University.
5. Gadd, Michelle E. 2003. Ecology and conservation of elephants in African rangelands. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
6. Huntzinger, P. Mikaela. 2005. Competition between herbivores of very different body sizes: the effects of large mammals on grasshoppers in Laikipia, Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Davis.
7. Warui, Charles M. 2004. Impacts of wildlife and cattle grazing on spider (Araneae) biodiversity in a highland savanna ecosystem, in Laikipia, central Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rhodes University (South Africa).
8. Otieno, Silvanos. 2004. Effects of domestic and wild herbivore utilisation on herbaceous layer aboveground primary production in central Kenya savanna. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
9. Kamande, S.K. 2006. The role of ants in structuring insect communities on the canopies of Senegalia drepanolobium near Laikipia, Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rhodes University.
10. Ngatia, L. 2007. Effects of large herbivores on selected chemical properties of two soil types in Laikipia, savanna ecosystem, Kenya. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
11. Sensenig, Ryan L. 2007. Spatial ecology of fire in an East African savanna: effects of burn size and patchiness on the foraging ecology of herbivores of varying body size. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
12. Okello, Bell D.N. 2007. Effects of herbivores, fire and harvesting on the population dynamics of Acacia drepanolobium Sjoestedt in Laikipia, Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Natal, South Africa.
13. Veblen, Kari E. 2008. Livestock and wildlife effects on the successional development of a savanna landscape mosaic in East Africa. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
14. Riginos, Corinna. 2008. Tree-grass interactions in an East African savanna: the role of wild and domestic herbivores. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
15. Kimathi, I. 2009. Effects of fire treatments on the aboveground herbaceous layer primary production in the savanna ecosystem, Laikipia District, Kenya. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
16. Odadi, Wilfred O. 2010. Competitive and facilitative interactions between cattle and wild ungulates in a semi-arid savanna rangeland in Laikipia, Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, Egerton University.
17. Kirigia, Anthony. 2010. Livestock manure flow from rangelands to cultivated lands in central Kenya: a case study of Mukogodo Division, Laikipia District. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
18. Petipas, Renee. 2011. Underground in gated communities: the effects of termites and ungulate herbivores on plant mycorrhizal associations. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Vermont.
19. Porensky, Lauren McGeoch. 2012. Interacting edges in an African savanna. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Davis.
20. Maclean, Janet E. 2012. Interacting effects of multiple herbivore guilds on the fitness and demography of a savanna tree. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of British Columbia.
21. Ndoo, Vanencia. 2012. Effect of season and soil type on large herbivore dung decomposition rate in Laikipia savannah rangelands of Kenya. MSc. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
22. Ngatia, Lucy. 2012. Grass productivity and carbon storage in relation to rainfall, soil nutrients, and herbivory in an East African savanna. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida.
23. Kimuyu, Duncan. 2016. Interactions between wildlife, cattle, and fire in a savanna ecosystem, Laikipia Kenya. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Nairobi.
24. Charles, Grace K., 2018, Herbivore-mediated trophic cascades in an African savanna: Quantifying how a diverse set of ecosystem engineers shapes patterns in savanna structure and function Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.
25. LaMalfa, Eric M. 2019. Fire - herbivory interactions in an East African savanna: effects on Acacia drepanolobiumtrees. Ph.D. Dissertation, Utah State University, Logan.
26. Sherril, Phyllis. 2021. Effects of domestic and wild herbivores on vegetation response to prescribed burning in an East African savanna. MSc Dissertation. University of Nairobi.
27. Forbes, Elizabeth. 2021. Biodiversity and ecosystem function: How experimental large herbivore loss influences savanna carbon dynamics. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara.
28. Wells, Harry. 2021. The role of wildlife, livestock, and humans in ecosystem restoration: Insights from an African savanna. Ph.D. Dissertation, Leeds University.
29. Waithira, Mary Ngugi. 2023. Effects of post-fire browsing on survival and growth of acacia drepanolobium trees in semi-arid savanna ecosystem in Laikipia, Kenya. MSc Dissertation. University of Nairobi.
30. Waithira, Mary Ngugi. 202x. Interactive effects of fire and herbivory on soil microbial community, soil organic carbon and other nutrients in an African savanna. PhD Dissertation. University of Nairobi. (in progress).
Outreach publications, Notes, etc.
- Young, T.P. 2003. KLEE: the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (“KLEE Corner” #1). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. March/April Issue.
- Young, T.P. 2003. Rodents take advantage of the absence of large mammals (“KLEE Corner” #2). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. November Issue.
- Young, T.P. 2004. Plants fight back. (“KLEE Corner” #3). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. May Issue.
- Young, T.P. 200 Do elephants lessen competition between cattle and zebras? (“KLEE Corner” #4). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. November Issue.
- Young, T.P. 200 The pathology of no herbivory: long-term effects of herbivore exclusion in an African savanna. (“KLEE Corner” #5). LWF Newsletter. March/April Issue.
- Young, T.P. and J.R. Goheen. 200 Whistling thorn recruitment is affected in unexpected ways by large mammals. (“KLEE Corner” #6). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. January Iss.
- Riginos, C. 2006. Cattle, wildlife, and grasses affect bush encroachment. (“KLEE Corner” #7). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. July Iss.
- Pringle, R.M. & D.J. McCauley. 2007. Zebras, giraffes, and snakes in the grass. (KLEE Corner #8). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. January Issue.
- Young, T.P. 2008. Do cattle compete with wildlife? (KLEE Corner #9). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. January Issue.
- Wilkerson, M.L. & T.P. Young. 2008. Butterflies and blooms: contrasting effects of cattle and wildlife. (“KLEE Corner” #10). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. May Issue.
- Sensenig, R.L. 2008. Fire Ecology in Laikipia, Kenya. Booklet distributed to Laikipia landowners, managers, and stakeholders. 79pp.
- Riginos, C. 2008. Pictorial Guide to the Common Grasses of the Black Cotton Ecosystem of Laikipia.
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- Young, T.P. & R.Y. Sensenig. 2010. Elephants and fire together suppress Acacia drepanolobium more than either alone. (KLEE Corner #13). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. January 2010 Issue.
- Young, T.P., D.N. Kinyua & L.McGeoch. 2010. How can we restore degraded rangeland? (KLEE Corner #14). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. June 2010 Issue.
- Veblen, K.E. & T.P. Young. 2011. Plants helping plants in defense against cattle and wildlife (KLEE Corner #15). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. January 2011 Issue.
- Porensky, L.M., K.E. Veblen, & T.P. Young. 2011. What is so special about glade edges? (KLEE Corner #16). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter July 2011 Issue.
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- Porensky, L.M., K.E. Veblen, & T.P. Young. 2011. What is so special about glade edges? (KLEE Corner #16). Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter July 2011 Issue.
- Young, T.P. 2013. Fire in the belly. Mpala Memos (Mpala Wildlife Foundation Newsletter) April issue.
- Young, T.P., R.L. Sensenig and D.M. Kimuyu. 2013. Controlled burns in KLEE: is fire a bane or a boon? (KLEE Corner #17) Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. July Issue.
- Young, T.P., R.L. Sensenig, D.M. Kimuyu, C. Riginos, and K.E. Veblen. 2013. Livestock and wildlife reduce fire intensity. (KLEE Corner #18) Laikipia Wildlife Forum Newsletter. November Issue.
- Young, T.P. 2014. Happy 20th, Mpala! Mpala Memos (Mpala Wildlife Foundation Newsletter) April issue.
- Kimuyu, D. 2015. Burning Issues: Does size matter? Mpala Memos (Mpala Wildlife Foundation Newsletter) April issue, pg. 6.
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