Restoration Publications





Journal papers

(Downloads of most papers available at:

PRYER publications:

  1. Stroud, J.T., B.M. Delory, E.M. Barnes, L. De Meester, J. Dieskau, T.N. Grainger, F.W. Halliday, P. Kardol, T.M. Knight, E. Ladouceur, C.J. Little, C. Roscher, J.M. Sarneel, V.M. Temperton, T.L.H. van Steijn, C.M. Werner, C.W. Wood, and T. Fukami. 2025. Priority effects transcend scales and disciplines in biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution Volume 39: 677-688.
  2. Werner, C.M., T.P. Young and K.L. Stuble. 2024. Year effects drive beta diversity, but unevenly across community types. Ecology 105:e4188. pdf
  3. Shackelford, N., G.B. Paterno, D.E. Winkler, ... and K.L. Stuble. 2021. Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts. Nature Ecology and Evolution 5:1283–1290. pdf
  4. Buisson, E., T. De Almeida, A. Durbecq, A.J. Arruda, C. Vidaller, J.-F. Alignan, T.S.P. Toma, M.C.M. Hess, F. Isselin-Nondedeu, R. Jaunatre, C. Moinardeau, T.P. Young, F. Mesléard, T. Dutoit, O. Blight, and A. Bischoff. 2021. Key issues in north-western Mediterranean grassland restoration. Restoration Ecology 29(S1): e13258. pdf
  5. Stuble, K.L. and T.P. Young. 2020. Priority treatment leaves grassland restoration vulnerable to invasion. Diversity 12:71. pdf
  6. Werner, C.M., K.L. Stuble, A.M. Groves, and T.P. Young. 2020. Year effects: inter-annual variation as a driver of community assembly dynamics. Ecology 101: e03104. pdf
  7. Young, T.P., K.L. Stuble, K.L., J.A. Balachowski, and C.M. Werner. 2017. Using priority effects to manipulate competitive relationships in restoration. Restoration Ecology 25:S114-S123. 
  8. Brudvig, L.A., R.S. Barak, J.T. Bauer, T.T. Caughlin, D.C. Laughlin, L. Larios, J.W. Matthews, K.L. Stuble, N.E. Turley, C.R. Zirbel. 2017. Interpreting variation to advance predictive restoration science. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1018-1027. pdf
  9. Stuble, K, K.J. Vaughn, E.P. Zefferman, K.M. Wolf, and T.P. Young. 2017. Outside the envelope: rare events disrupt the relationship between climate factors and species interactions. Ecology 98:1623-1630.
  10. Young, T.P., K.L. Stuble, J.A. Balachowski, M.E. Lulow and K. Wolf. 2017. Approaches to addressing climate change challenges in restoration. Grasslands 27:10-15.
  11. Stuble, K.L., S.E. Fick, T.P. Young. 2017. Every restoration is unique: testing year effects and site effects as drivers of initial restoration trajectories. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1051–1057. (“Highly Commended Paper”: Runner-up for the Southwood Prize) 
  12. Wolf, K.M. and T.P. Young. 2016. Summer watering at restored native grassland sites flushes an annual exotic seed bank but fails to increase native perennial cover. Ecosphere 7:e01309.
  13. Werner, C.M., K.J. Vaughn, K.L. Stuble, K. Wolf, and T.P. Young. 2016. Persistent asymmetrical priority effects in a California grassland restoration experiment. Ecological Applications 26:1624-163.
  14. Vaughn, K.J. & T.P. Young. 2015. Short-term priority over invasive exotics increases the establishment and persistence of California native perennial grasses. Ecological Applications 25:791-199.
  15. Young, T.P., E.M. Zefferman, K.J. Vaughn & S. Fick. 2015. Initial success of native grasses is contingent on interacting annual grass competition, temporal priority, rainfall, and site effects. AoB PLANTS 7:plu08.

Other Restoration Papers:

  1. Palmerlee, A.P., T.P. Young, and C. Wendt. 2025. From landscape architecture to agriculture; 20 years of habitat restoration at Far View Ranch. In press: Proceedings of the 8th California Oak Symposium, UCANR, Berkeley, CA.
  2. Palmerlee, A., K. Vaughn and T.P. Young. 2025. Escaping the browse trap: patterns of natural blue oak regeneration in grazed landscapes. Rangeland Ecology & Management 98: 561-567. pdf
  3. Palmerlee, A. and T.P. Young. 2022. Drill-seeding blue oak acorns: testing the (cost-) effectiveness of a new restoration technique across years and microsites.  Ecological Restoration 40:25-29. pdf
  4. Hess, C.M.M., F. Mesléard, T.P. Young, B. de Freitas, N. Haveneers, and E. Buisson. 2022. Altering native community assembly history influences the performance of an annual invader. Basic and Applied Ecology 59:70-81.
  5. Buisson, E., A. Fidelis, G.E. Overbeck, I.B. Schmidt, G. Durigan, T.P. Young, S.T. Alvarado, A.J. Arruda, S. Boisson, W. Bond, A. Coutinho, K. Kirkman, R.S. Oliveira, M.H. Schmitt, F. Siebert, S.J. Siebert, D.I. Thompson, F.A.O. Silveira. 2021. A research agenda for the restoration of tropical and subtropical grasslands and savannas. Restoration Ecology29(S1): e13292. 
  6. Silveira, F.A.O, A.J. Arruda, W. Bond, G. Durigan, A. Fidelis, K. Kirkman, R.S. Oliveira, G. Overbeck, J. Sansevero, F. Siebert, S.J. Siebert, T.P. Young & E. Buisson. 2020. Myth-busting tropical grassy biome restoration. Restoration Ecology28: 1067-1073.
  7. Young, D.J.N., C.M. Werner, K.R. Welch, T.P. Young, and A.M. Latimer. 2019. Post-fire forest regeneration in California, USA shows limited potential to track climate change. Ecology 100:e0257.
  8. Morales, L.V., C.S. Sevillano-Rios, S. Fick, and T.P. Young. 2018. Differential seedling regeneration patterns across forest-grassland ecotones in two tropical treeline species (Polylepis spp.). Austral Ecology 43:514-526.
  9. Welch, K., H. Safford and T.P. Young. 2017. Variables affecting postfire tree regeneration in middle elevation conifer forests, California, USA. Ecosphere 7:e01609.
  10. Sprenkle-Hyppolite, S.D., A.M. Latimer, & T.P. Young. 2016. Landscape and management correlates of reforestation success in Haiti. Ecological Restoration 34:306-316.
  11. Aslan, C., J. Bronstein, H.S. Rogers, K. Gedan, J. Brodie, T.M. Palmer and T.P. Young. 2016. Leveraging nature’s backup plans: species interactions and resilience in restoration. Restoration Ecology 24:434-440.
  12. Young, D.N., L.M. Porensky, K. Wolf, S. Fick, and T.P. Young. 2015. Burning reveals cryptic plant diversity and promotes coexistence in a California prairie restoration experiment. Ecosphere 6:81.
  13. Zefferman, E.M, J. Stevens, G. Charles, M.D. Dunbar, T. Emam, S. Fick, L.V. Morales, K. Wolf, D.N. Young, and T.P. Young. 2015. Plant communities in harsh sites are less invaded: a summary of observations and proposed explanations. AoB PLANTS 7:plv056. (Editor’s Choice)
  14. Young, T.P. and K.E. Veblen. 2015. Strong recruitment from sparse plug plantings of native California bunchgrasses. Grasslands 25:9-1
  15. Wilkerson, M.L., K.L. Ward, N.M. Williams, K.S. Ullmann, and T.P. Young. 2014. Native forbs and pollinators in an agricultural landscape: pollinator services and restoration tradeoffs. Restoration Ecology 22:782-789.
  16. Young, T.P. 2013. Ecological Restoration, by S.M. Galatowitsch. Ecological Restoration 31:424-425 (book review).
  17. Young, T.P. 2013. Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier 2nd Ed. by Van Andel and Aronson. S.M. Restoration Ecology 21:526 (book review).
  18. Young, T.P. 2012. Introduction to Restoration Ecology, by Howell, E.A., J.A. Harrington, and S.B. Glass. Ecological Restoration 30:426 (book review).
  19. Lulow, M.E. and T.P. Young. 2012. Is there still native diversity in California grasslands? Fremontia 39(2/3):6-11.
  20. Porensky, L.M., K.J. Vaughn & T.P. Young. 2012. Can initial intraspecific spatial aggregation increase multi-year diversity by creating temporal priority? Ecological Applications 22:927-936. pdf
  21. Vaughn, K.J., C. Biel, F. de Herralde, X. Aranda, J.J. Clary, R.Y. Evans, T.P. Young & R. Savé. 2011. California perennial grasses are physiologically distinct from both Mediterranean annual and perennial grasses. Plant & Soil 345:37-46. pdf
  22. Holmes, K.A., K.E. Veblen, A.M. Berry & T.P. Young. 2011. Effects of prescribed fires on planted valley oak saplings at a research restoration site in the Sacramento Valley.  Restoration Ecology 19:118-125. pdf
  23. Young, T.P. & K.J. Vaughn. 2011. Restoration. Pp. 594-597 in Encyclopedia of Biological Invasivions.  D. Simberlof & M. Rejmanek (eds.), University of California Press. pdf
  24. Vaughn, K.J., L.M. Porensky, M.L. Wilkerson, J. Balachowski, E. Peffer, C. Riginos & T.P. Young. 2010. Restoration Ecology. Nature Education Knowledge 1(8):66. web link
  25. Vaughn, K.J. & T.P. Young. 2010. Contingent conclusions: year effects influence the results of ecological field experiments, but temporal replication is rare. Restoration Ecology 18S1:59-64. pdf
  26. Kinyua, D.M., L.E. McGeoch, N. Georgiadis, & T.P. Young. 2010. Short-term and long-term effects of tilling, fertilization, and seeding on the restoration of a tropical rangeland.  Restoration Ecology 18S1:226-233. pdf
  27. Palmerlee, A.P. & T.P. Young. 2010 Direct seeding is more cost-effective than planting container stock across ten woody species in California. Native Plants Journal 11:89-102. pdf
  28. Veblen K.E. & T.P. Young. 2010. Contrasting effects of cattle and wildlife on the vegetation development of a savanna landscape mosaic.  Journal of Ecology 98:993-1001. pdf
  29. Erwin, T.L. & T.P. Young. 2010. A native besieged: the effects of non-native frugivores and ground vegetation on fruit removal in a highly endangered Hawaiian shrub, Delissea kauaiensis. Pacific Science 64:33-43. pdf
  30. Young, T.P. & E. Peffer. 2010. “Recalcitrant understory layers” revisited: arrested succession and the long life spans of clonal mid-successional species.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40:1184-1188. pdf
  31. Lulow, M.E. and T. P. Young. 2009. High native forb richness in Central Valley “grassland” sites in the western Sacramento Valley and adjacent foothills. Grasslands 14(3):7-11. pdf
  32. Veblen, K.E. & T.P. Young. 2009. A California grasslands alkali specialist Hemizoniapungens pungens prefers non-alkali soil. Journal of Vegetation Science 20:170-176. pdf
  33. Infalt, S.B. & T.P. Young. 2008. Forest restoration of campsites at Kings Canyon National Park, California.  Ecological Restoration 26:302-310. pdf
  34. Ingolia, M., T.P. Young & E.G. Sutter. 2008. Germination ecology of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress), an endangered, endemic species of Lake Tahoe.  Seed Science and Technology 36:621-632. pdf
  35. Holmes, K.A., K.E. Veblen, T.P. Young, and A.M. Berry. 2008. California oaks and fire: a review and case study. Pages 551-565 in: Merenlender, A., D. McCreary, and K.L. Purcell, eds. Proceedings of the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities. 2006, October 9-12. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-217. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 699 pp. pdf
  36. Stromberg, M., C.M. D’Antonio, T.P. Young, J. Wirka & P. Kephart. 2007. California Grassland Restoration.  Pp. 254-280 in: Stromberg, M., J.D. Corbin, and C.M. D’Antonio (eds). Ecology and Management of California Grasslands. University of California Press.
  37. Dawson, K., T.P. Young & K.E. Veblen. 2007. Alkali ecotypes in an invasive annual grass, Lolium multiflorumBiological Invasions 9:327-234. pdf
  38. Stromberg, M., T.P. Young, J. Wirka & P. Kephart. 2007. California Grassland Restoration.  Pp. 254-280 in: Stromberg, M., J.D. Corbin, and C.M. D’Antonio (eds). Ecology and Management of California Grasslands. University of California Press, Berkeley. pdf
  39. Lulow, M.E., T.P. Young, J.L. Wirka, & J.H. Anderson. 2007. Variation in the initial success of seeded native bunchgrasses in the rangeland foothills of Yolo County, California.  Ecological Restoration 25:20-28. pdf
  40. Veblen, K.E., K.A. Holmes, & T.P. Young. 2007. Most one-year-old grass plugs survive controlled burns.  Ecological Restoration 25:50-51. pdf
  41. Deering R.H. & T.P. Young. 2006. Germination speeds of exotic annual and native perennial grasses in California, and the potential benefits of seed priming for grassland restoration.  Grasslands 15:1,14-15. pdf
  42. Young, T.P. 2006.  Declining rural economies and the future of biodiversity: missing the forest for the trees?  Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 9:319-138 . pdf
  43. Young, T.P. & R.Y. Evans. 2005. Growth and survivorship of valley oaks (Quercus lobata) planted from seed and containers. Native Plants Journal 6:83-90. pdf
  44. Young, T.P., D.A. Petersen & J.J. Clary. 2005. The ecology of restoration: historical links, emerging issues, and unexplored realms.   Ecology Letters 8:662-672. pdf
  45. Kostel-Hughes, F., T.P. Young & J.D. Weir. 2005.   Emergence and seedling growth of native and non-native trees species in response to leaf litter depth.   Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132:50-61. pdf
  46. Huddleston, R.T & T.P. Young. 2005.   The effects of weed control and soil amendments on exotic species and planted native grasses in an Oregon grassland.   Western North American Naturalist 65:507-515.  pdf
  47. Huddleston, R.T & T.P. Young.  2004.   Spacing and competition between planted grass plugs and pre-existing perennial grasses.   Restoration Ecology 12:546-551. pdf
  48. Clary, J., R. Save, C. Biel & F. de Herralde. 2003. Water relations in competitive interactions of Mediterranean grasses and shrubs.  Annals of Applied Biology 144:149-155.
  49. Young, T.P., J.M Chase & R.T. Huddleston. 2001. Community succession and assembly-- comparing, contrasting and combining paradigms in the context of ecological restoration.  Ecological Restoration 19:5-18. pdf
  50. Hobbs, T. and T.P. Young. 2001. Growing Valley Oak.   Ecological Restoration 19:165-171. pdf
  51. Young, T.P. & R.Y Evans.   2001. Container stock versus direct seeding for woody species in restoration sites. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Propagation Soc. (2000) 50: 577-582. pdf
  52. Young, T.P. 2000.   Restoration ecology and conservation biology.   Biological Conservation 92:73-83. pdf
  53. Ostro, L.E.T., T.P. Young, S.C. Silver, & F.W. Koontz. 2000. Habitat selection by translocated howler monkeys in Belize. Animal Conservation 3:175-181. pdf
  54. Ostro, L.E.T., S.C. Silver, F.W. Koontz, T.P. Young and R. H. Horwich. 1999.   Ranging behavior of translocated and established groups of black howler monkeys Alouatta pigra in Belize, Central America.   Biological Conservation 87:181-190. pdf
  55. Young, T.P. & F. Chan. 1998.   Establishment of deergrass (Muhlenbergia rigens) at a restoration site, and its prospects for woody plant suppression in transmission rights of way.   Grasslands 8(3):3-10.
  56. Kostel-Hughes, T.P. Young & F.M. McDonnell. 1998.   The soil seed bank and its relationship to the aboveground vegetation in deciduous forests in New York City.   Urban Ecosystems 2:43-59. pdf
  57. Kostel-Hughes, F., T.P. Young, and M.M. Carreiro. 1998.   Leaf litter traits and seedling occurrence in forests along an urban-rural land-use gradient.   Urban Ecosystems 2:263-278. pdf
  58. Russo, C. & T.P. Young. 1997.   Egg and seed removal at urban and suburban forest edges. Urban Ecosystems 1:171-178. pdf



  1. Chhaya Werner (2018): “Temporal variation and plant community regeneration after disturbance”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  2. Derek Young (2017): "Post-fire forest recovery and restoration in a changing climate. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  3. Laura Morales (2017): Polylepis regeneration and the potential for forest expansion in the Peruvian Andes: the influence of cattle and environmental conditions”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  4. Steve Fick (2016): “Applied spatial analyses at local, regional and global scales to address issues in restoration and conservation”, Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  5. Kristina Wolf (2016): “Examinations of the ecology, management, and restoration of rangeland ecosystems”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  6. Kelly Gravuer (2016): “Mapping macrobial concepts to the microbial scale: lessons from grassland and agricultural ecosystems”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  7. Jen Balachowski (2015): “Functional and drought survival strategies of California perennial grasses in the context of restoration”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  8. Kevin Welch (2014): “Post-fire regeneration in Sierra Nevada forests”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  9. Mila Hickenbottom (2014): “Structural comparison of Baja California (Mexico) and Eastern Sierra Nevada (USA) Yellow Pine and Mixed-Conifer forests”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  10. Emily Zefferman (2014): "Responses of aquatic plant communities to stream and riparian restoration and management". Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  11. Marit Wilkerson (2013): “Invasive plants in conservation linkages: from conceptual model to understanding real-world patterns. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  12. Starry Sprenkle (2013):Sapling success: interspecific spatial mixing, nurse trees, and landscape impacts on establishment of community-managed agroforestry in Haiti”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  13. Kurt Vaughn (2011): Contingency in California grassland restoration: biogeographic history, inter-annual variation, and priority effects”. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  14. Alex Palmerlee (2007): Relative survivorship advantage and cost-effectiveness of container stock over direct seeding declines with seed size in ten native California woody species. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  15. Tracy Erwin (2007): Recruitment limitation in endangered Hawaiian plants. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  16. Susan Infalt (2006):  Forest restoration in campgrounds at Kings Canyon National Park, California: an experimental field study. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis."
  17. Mia Ingolia (2006):  Germination characteristics of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe Yellow Cress). M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  18. Jeffrey Clary (2006):  Distribution and ecophysiological adaptations of annual and perennial grasses in Mediterranean climate zones of California and the Iberian Peninsula. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  19. Deborah Petersen (2005): Facilitating prescribed fire to manage invasive exotic grasses on California's annual grasslands: reseeding with annual clovers and grasses to mitigate first-year forage loss.  M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  20. Megan E. Lulow (2004): Restoration in California's inland grasslands: The role of priority effects and management strategies in establishing native communities, and the ability of native grasses to resist invasion by non-native grasses. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  21. Ryan Deering (2001): Germination of exotic annual and native perennial grasses in California and   testing the potential benefits of seed priming for grassland restoration. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  22. Russell Huddleston (2001):   Native prairie restoration on The Nature Conservancy's Agate Desert Preserve in southwest Oregon. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  23. Diana Hershey (1999):  Re-establishing riparian community architecture on old gravel mines. M.Sc. dissertation, University of California, Davis.
  24. Linde Ostro (1998):  The spatial ecology of translocated black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Belize. Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University
  25. Fartih Kostel-Hughes (1998): The role of soil seed banks and leaf litter in the regeneration of native and exotic tree species in urban forests. Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University


Notes, etc.

  1. Young, T.P. Young, T.P.  2006.  Restoration Ecology, by J. Van Andel and J. Aronson. Environmental Conservation 33:82-83 (book review).
  2. Young, T.P. 2005. Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology. Environmental Conservation 32:98-99 (book review). pdf
  3. (Young. T.P. & D. Johnson.) 2004. Restoration.  Noxious Times 5(4):10.
  4. Smith, S. and T.P. Young. 2002. EH faculty host conference on restoration issues at UCD. Growing Points 6(2):8. pdf
  5. Young, T.P., D.L. Immel and J.J. Clary. 2002.   Historical Ecology, by Egan & Howell.   Journal of Environmental Management 68:437-8 (book review). pdf
  6. Young, T.P. 2001. What is a native? Noxious Times (California Interagency Noxious Weed Coordinating Committee) 3(4):11.   Reprinted in Growing Points 6(2):2. pdf
  7. Young, T.P. & D.B. Leroy. 2000. Restoration in Education.   At UC-Davis, the emphasis is on growing a Restoration Ecology program for the future. Society for Ecological Restoration News 13(1):8.
  8. Young, T.P. & R.Y. Evans. 2000. Root growth in containers: implications for xeriscape and restoration.   Report of the Elvenia J. Slossen Fund for Ornamental Horticulture 1998-1999, pp 15-18.
  9. Young, T.P. 1999. Restoration ecology takes root at UC Davis. Growing Points 3(1):4. pdf
  10. Young. T.P. (with F. Chan). 1997. Restoration ecology: renewing our disturbed landscapes. Growing Points 1(6):1-2. pdf
  11. Wester, A. & T.P. Young. 1997. Spatial pattern of deer herbivory at suburban forest edges. Restoration & Management Notes 15:186-187.